Production quality Ecosystem for Programming and Executing eXtreme-scale Applications (EPEXA)

EPEXA is an NSF-supported R&D project that will create a production-quality, general-purpose, community-supported, open-source software ecosystem that attacks the twin challenges of programmer productivity and portable performance for advanced scientific applications on modern high-performance computers. Of special interest are irregular and sparse applications that are poorly served by current programming and execution models.

The project addresses central challenges from modern computational science:

EPEXA builds upon prior work performed by the TESSE (Task-based Environment for Scientific Simulation at Extreme Scale) project, and in particular aims to complete the design and provide robust implementation of TESSE’s main C++ API, the Template Task Graph (TTG) that provides a powerful data-flow programming model. Specific project aims include:

Our community and their driving applications:

EPEXA Software Ecosystem

EPEXA Software Ecosystem (image)

Presentations and other resources

NSF CSSI 2020 PI meeting poster


The EPEXA project is supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OAC-1931387 at Stony Brook University, OAC1931347 at Virginia Tech, and ACI-1450300 at the University of Tennesse, Knoxville.

The TESSE project was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants ACI-1450344 at Stony Brook University, ACI-1450262 at Virginia Tech, and OAC-1931384 at the University of Tennesse, Knoxville.