ttg::BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, OutKey > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for ttg::BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, OutKey >:
ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > > ttg::TTBase ttg_parsec::detail::ParsecTTBase


template<typename Value, typename OutKey = int>
class ttg::BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, OutKey >

generic binary broadcast of a value to a set of {key,value} pairs

This broadcasts a Value object through a binary tree of size max_key and at each node broadcasts the value to a set of keys of type OutKey . The input data is keyed by integers. The primary use is for broadcasting to a World, hence by default the keymap is identity (keymap(key) = key) and max_key=world.size() .

this is equivalent to MPI_Bcast.

Definition at line 28 of file broadcast.h.

Public Types

using baseT = typename BinaryTreeBroadcast::ttT
- Public Types inherited from ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > >
using ttT = TT
using key_type = int
using input_terminals_type = ttg::detail::input_terminals_tuple_t< int, input_tuple_type >
using input_args_type = actual_input_tuple_type
using input_edges_type = ttg::detail::edges_tuple_t< int, ttg::meta::decayed_typelist_t< input_tuple_type > >
using input_values_full_tuple_type = ttg::meta::void_to_Void_tuple_t< ttg::meta::decayed_typelist_t< actual_input_tuple_type > >
using input_refs_full_tuple_type = ttg::meta::add_glvalue_reference_tuple_t< ttg::meta::void_to_Void_tuple_t< actual_input_tuple_type > >
using input_values_tuple_type = ttg::meta::drop_void_t< ttg::meta::decayed_typelist_t< input_tuple_type > >
using input_refs_tuple_type = ttg::meta::drop_void_t< ttg::meta::add_glvalue_reference_tuple_t< input_tuple_type > >
using output_terminals_type = std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >
using output_edges_type = typename ttg::terminals_to_edges< std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > > >::type

Public Member Functions

 BinaryTreeBroadcast (Edge< int, Value > &in, Edge< OutKey, Value > &out, std::vector< OutKey > local_keys, int root=0, World world=ttg::default_execution_context(), int max_key=-1, Edge< int, Value > inout_l=Edge< int, Value >{}, Edge< int, Value > inout_r=Edge< int, Value >{})
void op (const int &key, typename baseT::input_values_tuple_type &&indata, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >> &outdata)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > >
ttg::World get_world () const override final
void set_static_argstream_size (std::size_t size)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > set_argstream_size (const Key &key, std::size_t size)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > set_argstream_size (std::size_t size)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > finalize_argstream (const Key &key)
 finalizes stream for input i More...
std::enable_if_t< key_is_void, void > finalize_argstream ()
 finalizes stream for input i More...
void copy_mark_pushout (detail::ttg_data_copy_t *copy)
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > do_prepare_send (const Value &value, RemoteCheckFn &&remote_check)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > prepare_send (const ttg::span< const Key > &keylist, const Value &value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > prepare_send (const Value &value)
 TT (const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &innames, const std::vector< std::string > &outnames, ttg::World world, keymapT &&keymap_=keymapT(), priomapT &&priomap_=priomapT())
 TT (const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &innames, const std::vector< std::string > &outnames, keymapT &&keymap=keymapT(ttg::default_execution_context()), priomapT &&priomap=priomapT())
 TT (const input_edges_type &inedges, const output_edges_type &outedges, const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &innames, const std::vector< std::string > &outnames, ttg::World world, keymapT &&keymap_=keymapT(), priomapT &&priomap=priomapT())
 TT (const input_edges_type &inedges, const output_edges_type &outedges, const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &innames, const std::vector< std::string > &outnames, keymapT &&keymap=keymapT(ttg::default_execution_context()), priomapT &&priomap=priomapT())
virtual ~TT ()
void print_incomplete_tasks ()
virtual void release () override
void do_release ()
void set_input_reducer (Reducer &&reducer)
void set_input_reducer (Reducer &&reducer, std::size_t size)
std::tuple_element_t< i, input_terminals_type > * in ()
std::tuple_element_t< i, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > > > * out ()
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!ttg::meta::is_empty_tuple_v< input_values_tuple_type >, void > invoke (const Key &key, const input_values_tuple_type &args)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!ttg::meta::is_empty_tuple_v< input_values_tuple_type >, void > invoke (const input_values_tuple_type &args)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&ttg::meta::is_empty_tuple_v< input_values_tuple_type >, void > invoke (const Key &key)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&ttg::meta::is_empty_tuple_v< input_values_tuple_type >, void > invoke ()
void invoke () override
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!ttg::meta::is_empty_tuple_v< input_values_tuple_type >, void > invoke (const Key &key, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args)
void set_defer_writer (bool value)
bool get_defer_writer (bool value)
void make_executable () override
 Marks this executable. More...
decltype(keymap) const & get_keymap () const
void set_keymap (Keymap &&km)
 keymap setter More...
decltype(priomap) const & get_priomap () const
void set_priomap (Priomap &&pm)
void set_devicemap (Devicemap &&dm)
auto get_devicemap ()
void register_static_op_function (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ttg::TTBase
virtual ~TTBase ()=default
bool set_trace_instance (bool value)
bool tracing () const
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
void trace (const T &t, const Ts &...ts)
 Like ttg::trace(), but only produces tracing output if this->tracing()==true More...
bool set_lazy_pull_instance (bool value)
bool is_lazy_pull ()
std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< const TTBase > > ttg () const
const TTBasettg_ptr () const
bool is_ttg () const
void set_name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of this operation. More...
const std::string & get_name () const
 Gets the name of this operation. More...
std::string get_class_name () const
 Gets the demangled class name (uses RTTI) More...
const std::vector< TerminalBase * > & get_inputs () const
 Returns the vector of input terminals. More...
const std::vector< TerminalBase * > & get_outputs () const
 Returns the vector of output terminals. More...
ttg::TerminalBasein (size_t i)
 Returns a pointer to the i'th input terminal. More...
ttg::TerminalBaseout (size_t i)
 Returns a pointer to the i'th output terminal. More...
template<std::size_t i>
ttg::TerminalBasein ()
 Returns a pointer to the i'th input terminal ... to make API consistent with TT. More...
template<std::size_t i>
ttg::TerminalBaseout ()
 Returns a pointer to the i'th output terminal ... to make API consistent with TT. More...
auto get_instance_id () const
bool is_executable () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > >
static constexpr bool derived_has_cuda_op ()
static constexpr bool derived_has_hip_op ()
static constexpr bool derived_has_level_zero_op ()
static constexpr bool derived_has_device_op ()
static resultT get (InTuple &&intuple)
static auto & get (InTuple &&intuple)
static void ht_iter_cb (void *item, void *cb_data)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ttg::TTBase
static bool set_trace_all (bool value)
static bool set_lazy_pull (bool value)
static const std::vector< TerminalBase * > * get_outputs_tls_ptr ()
 Returns this thread's pointer to the vector of output terminals. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > >
static constexpr int numinvals
static constexpr const ttg::Runtime runtime
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > >
const auto & get_output_terminals () const
uint64_t unpack (T &obj, void *_bytes, uint64_t pos)
uint64_t pack (T &obj, void *bytes, uint64_t pos, detail::ttg_data_copy_t *copy=nullptr)
parsec_thread_mempool_t * get_task_mempool (void)
void set_arg_from_msg_keylist (ttg::span< int > &&keylist, detail::ttg_data_copy_t *copy)
void set_arg_from_msg (void *data, std::size_t size)
void finalize_argstream_from_msg (void *data, std::size_t size)
void argstream_set_size_from_msg (void *data, std::size_t size)
void get_from_pull_msg (void *data, std::size_t size)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg_local (const Key &key, Value &&value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg_local (Value &&value)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg_local (const Key &key, const Value &value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg_local (const Value &value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg_local (std::shared_ptr< const Value > &valueptr)
task_tcreate_new_task (const Key &key)
detail::reducer_task_tcreate_new_reducer_task (task_t *task, bool is_first)
void set_arg_local_impl (const Key &key, Value &&value, detail::ttg_data_copy_t *copy_in=nullptr, parsec_task_t **task_ring=nullptr)
void release_task (task_t *task, parsec_task_t **task_ring=nullptr)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg (const Key &key, Value &&value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > set_arg (Value &&value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > set_arg ()
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > set_arg (const Key &key)
bool can_inline_data (Value *value_ptr, detail::ttg_data_copy_t *copy, const Key &key, std::size_t num_keys)
void set_arg_impl (const Key &key, Value &&value, detail::ttg_data_copy_t *copy_in=nullptr)
void broadcast_arg_local (Iterator &&begin, Iterator &&end, const Value &value)
std::enable_if_t<!ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key > &&!std::is_void_v< std::decay_t< Value > >, void > broadcast_arg (const ttg::span< const Key > &keylist, const Value &value)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_none_void_v< Key >, void > set_args (std::index_sequence< Is... >, std::index_sequence< Js... >, const Key &key, const std::tuple< Ts... > &args)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_none_void_v< Key >, void > set_args (std::index_sequence< Is... > is, const Key &key, const std::tuple< Ts... > &args)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > set_args (std::index_sequence< Is... >, std::index_sequence< Js... >, const std::tuple< Ts... > &args)
std::enable_if_t< ttg::meta::is_void_v< Key >, void > set_args (std::index_sequence< Is... > is, const std::tuple< Ts... > &args)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ttg::TTBase
void set_input (size_t i, TerminalBase *t)
void set_output (size_t i, TerminalBase *t)
template<bool out, typename terminalT , std::size_t i, typename setfuncT >
void register_terminal (terminalT &term, const std::string &name, const setfuncT setfunc)
template<bool out, std::size_t... IS, typename terminalsT , typename namesT , typename setfuncT >
void register_terminals (std::index_sequence< IS... >, terminalsT &terms, const namesT &names, const setfuncT setfunc)
template<typename terminalsT , typename namesT >
void register_input_terminals (terminalsT &terms, const namesT &names)
template<typename terminalsT , typename namesT >
void register_output_terminals (terminalsT &terms, const namesT &names)
template<std::size_t... IS, typename terminalsT , typename setfuncT >
void set_terminals (std::index_sequence< IS... >, terminalsT &terms, const setfuncT setfunc)
template<typename terminalsT , typename setfuncT >
void set_terminals (const terminalsT &terms, const setfuncT setfunc)
 TTBase (TTBase &&other)
TTBaseoperator= (TTBase &&other)
 TTBase (const std::string &name, size_t numins, size_t numouts)
void set_outputs_tls_ptr ()
void set_outputs_tls_ptr (const std::vector< TerminalBase * > *ptr)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ttg_parsec::TT< int, std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value > >, BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, int >, ttg::typelist< Value > >
static void static_set_arg (void *data, std::size_t size, ttg::TTBase *bop)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ttg::TTBase
static const std::vector< TerminalBase * > *& outputs_tls_ptr_accessor ()

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ baseT

template<typename Value , typename OutKey = int>
using ttg::BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, OutKey >::baseT = typename BinaryTreeBroadcast::ttT

Definition at line 31 of file broadcast.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BinaryTreeBroadcast()

template<typename Value , typename OutKey = int>
ttg::BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, OutKey >::BinaryTreeBroadcast ( Edge< int, Value > &  in,
Edge< OutKey, Value > &  out,
std::vector< OutKey >  local_keys,
int  root = 0,
World  world = ttg::default_execution_context(),
int  max_key = -1,
Edge< int, Value >  inout_l = Edge<int, Value>{},
Edge< int, Value >  inout_r = Edge<int, Value>{} 

Definition at line 33 of file broadcast.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ op()

template<typename Value , typename OutKey = int>
void ttg::BinaryTreeBroadcast< Value, OutKey >::op ( const int &  key,
typename baseT::input_values_tuple_type &&  indata,
std::tuple< Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >, Out< int, Value >> &  outdata 

Definition at line 41 of file broadcast.h.

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