Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NstdSTL namespace
 Ctuple_size< TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span< ElementType, Extent > >
 Ctuple_element< I, TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span< ElementType, Extent > >
 Ctuple_size< ttg::meta::typelist< Ts... > >
 Ctuple_element< I, ttg::meta::typelist< Ts... > >
 Chash< ttg::Void >
 NttgTop-level TTG namespace contains runtime-neutral functionality
 NoverloadPlace for overloading/instantiating hash and other functionality
 CTTBaseA base class for all template tasks
 CBinaryTreeBroadcastGeneric binary broadcast of a value to a set of {key,value} pairs
 CeventGeneric one-time event
 Cresumable_taskTask that can be resumed after some events occur
 CEdgeEdge is used to connect In and Out terminals
 Cterminals_to_edges< std::tuple< termsT... > >
 Cedges_to_output_terminals< std::tuple< edgesT... > >
 CTTGTemplate task graph implementation
 CBinaryTreeReduceGeneric binary reduction of a set of key-value pairs
 Cruntime_traits< Runtime::PaRSEC >
 Cruntime_traits< Runtime::MADWorld >
 Cdefault_data_descriptorProvides (de)serialization of C++ data that can be invoked from C via ttg_data_descriptor
 Cdefault_data_descriptor< T, std::enable_if_t< detail::is_memcpyable_v< T > &&!detail::is_user_buffer_serializable_v< T > &&!ttg::has_split_metadata< T >::value > >Default_data_descriptor for trivially-copyable types
 Cdefault_data_descriptor< T, std::enable_if_t< ttg::has_split_metadata< T >::value > >Default_data_descriptor for types that support 2-stage serialization (metadata first, then the rest) for implementing zero-copy transfers
 Chas_split_metadata< T, ttg::meta::void_t< decltype(std::declval< SplitMetadataDescriptor< T >>().get_metadata(std::declval< T >()))> >
 CInTerminalBaseBase type for input terminals receiving messages annotated by task IDs of type keyT
 CTraverseTraverses a graph of ops in depth-first manner following out edges
 CSinkTTA data sink for one input
 CDotPrints the graph to a std::string in the format understood by GraphViz's dot program
 CBinarySpanningTreeBinary spanning tree of integers in the [0,size) interval
 CVoidA complete version of void
 Nttg_madnessThis contains MADNESS-based TTG functionality
 CBufferA runtime-managed buffer mirrored between host and device memory
 Nttg_parsecThis contains PaRSEC-based TTG functionality